Sunday, August 13, 2006

A birthday wish to my son, Alif

Today, August 13th...
I could rewind this day, over and over and over again
the day the kindness came
the day with my bundle of joy to behold until end of my life
a date carved deep in my heart the day I first became a mummy....

You've always been a part of me right from the very start
creating treasured memories I've cherished in my heart

You can still make me smile
with the things you say and do
and I want you to know how grateful I am
to have a son as special as you

Happy Birthday, my son
Mummy always Love you.


debikdebuk said...

Happy Birthday
Semoga dimurahkan rezeki...

Deeba said...

Happy birthday Aliff...mesti nak buat makan makan kan? sebab dah dapat allowance baru?

sarahmirza said...


hi deeba, tak de makan2 pun...makan sendri2 kita orang jek..allowance tak mo citer sini, mcm CT poyo kata "biarlah rahsia"..*wink*
