Sunday, April 19, 2009

What I'm Supposed To Do TODAY?

I am supposed to be in my office at this time but I am not. Is there something else I am supposed to do today? Mmmm ....

This morning I woke up with a plain sense of how much I really dislike having to go to work. I woke up at my usual 5.30am, left the house at 6.45am and heading to the office. After passing the airport tunnel, for some reason I have a nagging feeling that there is something I am supposed to do today, NOT my job but something else. I changed the route and heading to my favourite spot. I have decided to avoid everything related to the work today. I just wanted to see anything in the internet until noon, catch Alif in his school and outing with the boys.

I will meet my boss tomorrow. He might be missing me. Hahaha...

1 comment:

Jhani said...

nice idea... thinking differnet today.... actually in the searth of wat to do ..... i arrived on your blog .. afterd this post i feel funny ... i will also do one day like this different .. keep it up